NR. 61:
Directed by: Mary Harron
Starring: Christian Bale, Justin Theroux and Josh Lucas

A wealthy New York investment banking executive hides his alternate psychopathic ego from his co-workers and friends as he escalates deeper into his illogical, gratuitous
see American psycho is a commentary on the age of materialism and the revolt against it. The need to return to more basic needs and wants are mirrored in Bateman and his murdering rampage which becomes extensive and out of control. A masterful satiric tale on the modern way of life.
NR. 60:
ALIENS (1986)
Directed by: James Cameron
Starring: Sigourney Weaver, Michael Biehn and Carrie Henn

After Ellen Ripley survived her disastrous ordeal, nobody believed her story about the "Aliens" on the planet LV-426. However, approximately 50 years later, the colony on LV-426 was completely destroyed. The government has decided to send Ripley out of cryostasis and to aid a team of tough, rugged space marines into the desolate planet to find out if there are aliens or survivors.
Aliens is the horror/action sequel that, at least in my book, surpasses the original. In many ways it is the perfect horror science fiction movie in that it is A) done with such grit and realism that you really feel the reality of the situation (something you often lose now a days as practical effects and miniatures have been replaced with CGI) and B)strikes a perfect balance between suspense, horror, action and even some comedy. One alien was bad, but a large pack of them is a nightmare not even heavy weaponry can deal with. Aliens is the last good Alien movie so please enjoy it over and over again.
NR. 59:
EVIL DEAD 2 (1987)
Directed by: Sam Raimi
Starring: Bruce Campbell, Sarah Berry and Dan Hicks

The lone survivor of an onslaught of flesh-possessing spirits holds up in a cabin with a group of strangers while the demons continue their attack.
I can't really say that Evil Dead 2 is a sequel as it feels allot more like a reboot or remake of the original. The plot is the same, just done so much better. Evil dead was a cult phenomenon back in 1981 and was made for practically no money. This time around Sam Raimi had a little more cash to spend and manages to tell the same story, but with better visuals and effects. Evil dead have always been a hilariously disturbing comedy with over the top violence and gore and none more so then Evil dead 2 as it takes it all to the extremes. Bruce Campbell's role as the one-liner machine Ash is a character that made his stamp on pop culture and is still celebrated to this day.
NR. 58:
12 MONKEYS (1995)
Directed by: Terry Gilliam
Starring: Bruce Willis, Madeleine Stowe and Brad Pitt

In a future world devastated by disease, a convict, James Cole, is sent back in time to gather information about the man-made virus that wiped out most of the human population on the planet.
If Back to the future is Disney Land, 12 monkeys is the New York sewer system. A dark, twisted time travel story where past, present and future all mix together in perfect disharmony. Here time travel feels painful and actually harms the body, something Bruce Willis is able to translate so well through his character. Even more notable is the brilliant performance by Brad Pitt who plays the mentally insane Jeffrey Goines who becomes James Cole's only ally.
Jeg ser at du er enig med flertallet av "Alien"-fansen som mener at "Aliens" var bedre enn "Alien" og at resten ikke var noe bra...
Jeg synes derimot at David Fincher gjorde en veldig god jobb med "Alien 3". Han skapte en enda mørkere verden hvor lille "Newt" er et lik som obduseres, omgivelsene er en fangekoloni full av mordere og voldteksmenn, Ripley er tøffere enn noen gang og monsteret er raskere og farligere fordi den brukte en annen vert.
Jeg syntes til og med at "Alien 4" er verdt å se (ingen topp 100-film riktignok) fordi den rett og slett var ganske syk. Med genmodifiserte monstre og en klonet Ripley som en alienhybrid med et nesten seksuelt forhold til monstrene hun tidligere fryktet og bekjempet.
Mye vill psykologi i den filmen hvis man ser på den på den måten...
Kan si jeg ikke husker Alien 3 så veldig godt, men det jeg sitter igjen med fra den er heller meh. 4 kan du få gratis av meg, psykologi be damned.
Enig i at nr. 4 er en dårlig film, ja... Men jeg synes rett og slett at den er så dårlig at den er verdt å se. :-P Som du vet er jeg fan av bad taste-filmer.
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