Rick Dangerous was released in 1989 on a multitude of systems and is a parody/spoof on the Indiana Jones franchise and not shy about showing it. The first level starts with you running from a rolling bolder and Rick himself is sporting a hat and jacket reminiscent of Dr. Jones.

As Rick you are tasked with crawling through dungeons and Nazi hideouts in order to recover rare artifacts or rescue prisoners of war. There are only 4 levels, but each one will have you tear your hair out trying to figure out how to get by the multitude of traps, hazards and patrolling enemies. It is very much a trial and error game, but figuring out how to get past a screen is extremely rewarding and keeps you coming back for more.
Seeing as this is an old game, Rick Dangerous is extremely unforgiving. Die and you are transported back to a checkpoint (which are few and far between). Game over? Back to start. No saves, no mercy.
The reason I bring Rick back to the spotlight is because I recently discovered Rick Dangerous on the iPhone. Though the ability to change between all 4 levels from the get-go and being able to switch between the old graphics and a new enhanced mode (which looks pretty good), the controls are horrible and none responsive which is disappointing to say the least. Instead I suggest you play the online flash version which lets you use the arrow keys to control everything.
You can find it at: http://rickdangerousflash.free.fr/
Rick Dangerous spawned one sequel which had you battling aliens of all things. But for me the nostalgia lies in crawling through dungeons and crypts, trying to figure out the next trap and groaning loudly when failing. Good times.

Ah,brings back warm memories of olden days. I think it was on a Amiga in my case.
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