Its been a while since the rather lackluster season 2 of Heroes ended leaving most viewers rather skeptical about the show's future, save the hardcore fan-base the show seems to have contracted.
To say that season 3 starts off were season 2 left off is somewhat irrelevant because very little about what has happened in the two previous seasons have any relevance this time around (it would seem). You basically need to know the basic setup and you are good to go. Not that there is anywhere special to go mind you. The two hour premiere confirms what you may have suspected all along if you have been watching: Heroes is a poorly written show with a very contrived overall flow. The notion that the show is written and directed by the seat of the creators and writers pants is not hard to imagine when staggering plot-holes appear frequently, most of which are due to the heroes being so overpowered writers need to ignore what they can do in order to patch together anything resembling a story. For example: the season 2 cliffhanger shows Nathan being shot as he was about to announce to the world that he has the ability to fly. Now in season 3 we learn that it was Peter, his brother, from the future (4 years in the future, he can time travel) that did it because the future turned out pretty darn depressing when the public learned of the super powered people. An interesting concept to be sure, but when you have Peter, a demigod he is that overpowered, shooting his brother to stop him from revealing everything, you can't help but wonder why. Why not simply go back a little further and explain the situation? Present Peter is of course very upset about all of this, but does he go back in time to stop the shooting from ever taking place? No...why not, you can TIME TRAVEL?
The show suffers on like this throughout the two hours giving us scenes like Claire hiding from Sylar, another overpowered demigod in all respects, in a closet and heroes shooting at each other with guns which has proven over and over and over again does not work. End it all with a pointless twist that will have very little baring on the overall stories and you are left with a mess of a show that needs a miracle to get back on its feet.
As you may have guessed by now, if you haven't seen it for yourself, there is so much more bad here then there is good. There are some bright spots however that, if handled correctly, could bring the show up a notch. The second episode sees a group of some pretty evil and twisted super powered bad guys that make Sylar look rather mediocre (one of them can generate fire and uses the ability to burn a woman alive for the hell of it). Claire's story (she can heal herself, but now she stops feeling pain) and how she deals with her new found "lack of humanity" could be very interesting to watch as well as Mohinder injecting himself with a serum that give powers to anyone only to discover some pretty nasty side effects.
But overall season 3 of Heroes seem to continue indeed were season 2 left off: with steadily declining quality.